Partecipa al Workshop sulla Gestione della Relazione tra Investitori e Team di Start For Future
Nuova Call4Startup di Le Village by CA Milano: accelera la tua startup in Italia ed Europa!
Online il Contributo del Contamination Lab Pisa alla Guida “Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Deep Tech”
Premio Cambiamenti 2024: La Sfida delle Start-up Innovative Italiane
AgroInnova: Connettiamo Idee, Creiamo Futuro. Un percorso di co-creazione di innovazione nelle aree rurali promosso dal Contamination Lab di UNIPI e da CNA Pisa
AgroInnova: Connettiamo Idee, Creiamo Futuro 🌿🌐
Evento di Matching e Networking: Un’occasione imperdibile per gli aspiranti imprenditori del CyB+
Riparte il ciclo di Webinar THE TALK – Progettare la salute: la stampa 3D in prima linea per il paziente
L’Università di Pisa tra Atene e Bologna: l’Ateneo presenzia al Summit di Start for Future “The Athenia Nexus” e al Sensemaking Workshop dell’EIT
Una catena del valore per l’educazione all’imprenditorialità: il Contamination Lab al centro dell’ecosistema
“Una roadmap per l’educazione all’imprenditorialità”
Start For Future Open Call – Phase 1: LEARN
Open Incubator – Start For Future
Open call! Diventa Ambassador CLab Pisa – Scadenza 27 febbraio 2023
Partecipa al Workshop sulla Gestione della Relazione tra Investitori e Team di Start For Future
Nuova Call4Startup di Le Village by CA Milano: accelera la tua startup in Italia ed Europa!
Online il Contributo del Contamination Lab Pisa alla Guida “Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Deep Tech”
Premio Cambiamenti 2024: La Sfida delle Start-up Innovative Italiane
AgroInnova: Connettiamo Idee, Creiamo Futuro. Un percorso di co-creazione di innovazione nelle aree rurali promosso dal Contamination Lab di UNIPI e da CNA Pisa
AgroInnova: Connettiamo Idee, Creiamo Futuro 🌿🌐
Evento di Matching e Networking: Un’occasione imperdibile per gli aspiranti imprenditori del CyB+
Riparte il ciclo di Webinar THE TALK – Progettare la salute: la stampa 3D in prima linea per il paziente
L’Università di Pisa tra Atene e Bologna: l’Ateneo presenzia al Summit di Start for Future “The Athenia Nexus” e al Sensemaking Workshop dell’EIT
Una catena del valore per l’educazione all’imprenditorialità: il Contamination Lab al centro dell’ecosistema
“Una roadmap per l’educazione all’imprenditorialità”
Start For Future Open Call – Phase 1: LEARN
Open Incubator – Start For Future
Open call! Diventa Ambassador CLab Pisa – Scadenza 27 febbraio 2023
CLab Pisa aims to promote entrepreneurial culture and innovation, valuing ideas and interdisciplinarity.
It allows participants from different disciplinary fields to get to know each other and work together on common projects, developing their Soft Skills, along with planning, organizational, and communication capabilities.
Initial course reserved for master’s students, PhD students, postdoctoral students and professors who do not yet have a business idea or whose idea is currently in an embryonic state.
Advanced program structured around action-learning seminars providing invaluable support in the processes of construction, related training and development which accompany the innovative projects that will then come into being in conjunction with CLab.
The world of work is continuously undergoing rapid transformations which require the ability to combine knowledge and technical skills – the so-called hard skills, gained via subject-specific university courses – with the so-called soft skills.
The development of complementary skills in addition to those specific to a chosen course of study aims at promoting youth entrepreneurship, understood as “self-entrepreneurship – the start up of You”, and giving alumni a good grounding in the workings of the business world.
The underlying idea is that the CLab is at the centre of a cyclical innovation process that, through via the sharing of ideas and experience, can be enriched with good practices generated by other ventures or indeed other CLabs.
Stay up to date on calls and opportunities with the University of Pisa’s newsletter on Valorization and Technology Transfer